Harvest was a big success this year, and we had our record longest harvest season ever.  Two months and three days long.Goodness gracious, we had an exhausted crew, winemaker, and staff.

Now that harvest is wrapped up, the juice has just about made its transition into ‘wine’.  And boy, is there lots of it.

We are so thankful for that.

At Brennan Vineyards we have a lot to be thankful for this year.

No spring freezes.

Grapes a plenty.

A safe harvest season for our employees and staff.

Lots and lots of Viognier grapes.

Additional tank capacity to accommodate the bountiful harvest…(we still ran out of room).

The best customers EVER.

“Wine, like life, is meant to be enjoyed.  All of the pomp and ceremony associated with wine just gets in the way of enjoying it.” – Richard Branson 

As the holiday season approaches, we want to spend a little time thinking about wine.  Wine is such  integral part of our lives and so are the relationships with family and friends.  This time of year, it is  easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season.  Keep it simple folks.  Enjoy your family and friends, and enjoy the wine and conversation that accompanies it.

 It is that simple.

And as you embark on your holiday meals remember that “If food is the body of good living, wine is the soul” -Clifton Fadiman

In preparation for the upcoming Thanksgiving Food Coma that awaits you, we have prepared a holiday selection of wines that are perfectly suited for Thanksgiving fare.

Brennan Vineyards 2014 Reserve Viognier, Brennan Vineyards 2012 Super Nero,  and Brennan Vineyards 2013 Reserve Tempranillo.

What are you thankful for?  Comment below!

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